Dienstag, 27. Mai 2014

Die Tür des Lebens

Die Tür des Lebens:

( Schade. Es war leider nicht möglich das Bild zu drehen, dann käm` es echt besser raus.)
Aber die sehr interessante Botschaft bleibt:
Als ich im März im Malseminar auf der Nordalb war, hatte ich in einer Malflaute, die Idee mit weisem Stift auf Schwarzpapier zu malen.
Ich war ganz begeistert was dabei heraus kam.
Einige coole Bilder, dieses ist eines davon. Als ich es zum mitnehmen in den Flur legte, kam ein Medizinstudent an diesem Bild vorbei und sagte dass er es sehr Interessant findet, da das runde und die zwei anderen Felder neben dem Kreis, Herz und die beiden Lungenflügel darstellen. Im Medizinischen wohl für das Leben
steht. Da ich keinerlei Ahnung davon hatte, ist doch faszinierend wie der Vater durch dieses Intuitive, experimentelle .... Malen spricht. SDG.

Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2014

The myterious door

Gazing behind

While I was sitting in a semi-dark room,
I felt my vision got dim and the fire became a gloom.
I sought for hope,
looked for the silver lining.
I turned to that door in my back
and saw it shining.

Only a little wedge of light behind the door.
It was hard to ignore.

There was this mysterious light
that shone trough the night.

I heard it crackle and I heard it flicker,
there where a murmur and a sound,
some kind of  rumours all around.
It all came from behind that door.

All this made me curious but also afraid.
Shall I hide here in the secure and familiar darkness?
Or shall I take the risk to pass that door?

Shall I leave my comfort zone?
I know when I stay, I will be far more alone.
But If I go, what awaits my there
on the other side of that door?
My curiosity arises,
I cant ignore.

I get on my knees and begin to crawl towards that door.
While I pass trough fear and expectation.
I feel like a toddler, like went back in time.

What will I see, how will it be?

Will it seem, that I pass through in another world?
Awaited by a great and unique mystery?
I can imagine it and dream,
may I pass through the most beautiful of green,
with sparkling dew like diamonds.
Or I pass a see, a brook or a pound,
can swim all around.
Or will I face the Face with the beauty of grace?
Then all beauties and sparkling all around seems to pass away.
May I see the Lion so gorgeous and terrible in one accord,
may I see the lamb with the most compassionate eyes and a face,
where all over is written mercy and grace.
And may with my eyes I see HIS eyes.
HIS sparkling beauty and shimmering coloured lights.
In a vague dream of this all,
who will decide to stay, in the once so familiar semidarkness,
and seemingly secure night?
Like a eagle be cast out of the nest
and stretches his wings for the first flight.